ZhuXin's Blog



我的名字取自白居易的《养竹记》, 有虚心、节高、坚强之意,也有竹心虽空,实则容万物之意:




因英文课沟通需要(XinXin太难发音),爸爸又给我取一个英文名,唤作Zoie。Zoie is a modern American respelling of the ancient Greek Zoe which was generally rendered as Zoë in Latin (hence the diacritic ë from the Latin alphabet to denote the separate two-syllable sound). From the Greek, Zoe means “life.” The name was popular among early Christians as a way of showing their hopes for eternal life. The Roman Catholic Church recognizes two female Saints named Zoe from the 2nd and 3rd centuries. They were martyred for their Christian beliefs at a time when the Roman Empire still persecuted Christians (it wasn’t until 380 AD that Christianity became the official religion of Rome). While Zoe is a name of ancient origin, the English-speaking world did not adopt it until the 19th century. Now quite popular, new spelling variations (Zoey and Zoie) have emerged. These two more modern examples of Zoë explain away the diacritic ë by more clearly and phonetically displaying the name as two-syllable ZOH-ee. 除了美好的寓意外,取名Zoie而不是Zoe,也是为了希望我将来能够特立独行,不随大众(作为Zoe的变体之一:Zoie只有很少一部分人在用)。还有Zoie的发音有一点点的类似我的中文名:竹心。

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